This episode presents a short film by up-and-coming filmmaker Melanie Leery of Vietnam entitled “The Red Scarf.” This is a story about a young woman who has a strange and unexplained connection to a red scarf.
Up Next in Season 1
Access Network Spotlight 002R
This episode presents a short film by up-and-coming filmmaker Don Cunningham of the United States entitled “Alarm: Red.” The film provides a glimpse into the day in the life of a veteran with PTSD. The veteran not only tells the story of how he came to have PTSD, but the audience gets to see it t...
Access Network Spotlight 003
This episode presents the very first film produced by Hollywood veteran Sheldon I. Altfeld during high school in 1954. “Maybe Tonight” is a physiological drama about 1950’s teenagers, their angst, and their perceived lack of self confidence. This recently restored film is silent with music.
Access Network Spotlight 004
This episode presents a gripping documentary by Diane Mellen and Stacey Stone entitled "Toxic Sh!t." This film is about the hidden dangers under and around the places we call home. Innocent people and children are facing deadly health issues because of deception, disinformation, and corporate gr...