The 1910 Mary Pickford comedy, ”May and December,” has a young man who is mismatched with an older woman while a young woman is stuck with an older man. A 1909 D.W. Griffith comedy, “The Gibson Goddess,” features a beautiful Gibson Girl who tries to avoid a group of lovestruck men.
Up Next in Season 1
Flicker Classics 024
A 1920 Harold Lloyd comedy entitled ”Number, Please?” is presented. Harold and a rival fight over a girl at an amusement park.
Flicker Classics 025
Burglars terrorize a family in the drama, “The Lonely Villa” (1909), with David Miles and Marion Leonard. Different approaches to diplomacy (and the lack of) is on display in the comedy, “When We Were In Our ’Teens” (1910), with Mary Pickford and Mack Sennett.
Flicker Classics 026
“Deliverance” is a 1919 feature film that tells the story of the life of Helen Keller and her teacher, Anne Sullivan, both of whom play themselves in the latter part of the film.